Celebration of Decoration Day on Broadway - 1878


Original title: New York City The Celebration of Decoration Day [later Memorial Day], May 30th The Seventh Regiment, N.G.S.N.Y., Marching down Broadway past the St. Nicholas Hotel. Illustration published in the Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, June 15, 1878. The procession started from 34th Street and a large stand was erected a little to the south of the Worth Monument.

Buildings on west side Broadway, north from St. Nicholas Hotel. It comprised the large white marble structure and its dark northern wing reaching to the southwest corner of Spring Street. The hotel opened in January 1853 and was completed in 1854. It closed in 1884.

On the northwest corner stands the Prescott House, named after the historian William Hickling Prescott (1796-1859).


Decoration Day


Old Broadway



Metropolitan Hotel


Metropolitan Life Insurance Tower


Copyright © Geographic Guide - Old photos NYC, 19th Century.


Lincoln's Funeral Procession

Looking north from Broome Street, showing east side Broadway.


7th Regiment

Looking north from Broome Street.


Celebration of Decoration Day on Broadway - 1878




Broadway Old New York