Broadway, West Side. Broome Street to Spring Street - 1899


Image depicts buildings on the west side of Broadway, from Broome Street to Spring Street. From 1853 to 1878, the old St. Nicholas Hotel took this entire block front.

Source: A Pictorial Description of Broadway, published in 1899 by Mail & Express Company, publisher of the Evening Mail (New York Public Library).


NY Broadway


Antique images of NYC






Spring Street

Showing 19th century structures on the site of the old St. Nicholas Hotel.


Site of the old St. Nicholas Hotel.


Broadway images


East Side Broadway

29 - Broadway, east side. Grand Street to Broome Street - 1899.


Spring Prince street

32 - Broadway, west side. Spring to Prince Street.


St. Nicholas Hotel


East Side buildings NY

31 - Broadway, east side. Broome to Spring St. - 1899.


Pictorial Description Broadway


NY East Side

33 - Broadway, east side. Spring to Prince St.


West Side Broadway

28 - Broadway, west side. Grand Street to Broome Street - 1899.




Broadway, West Side. Broome Street to Spring Street - 1899
















Copyright © Geographic Guide - Old NYC, 19th century.


Historic Buildings