Old City Hall on Wall Street - 18th Century


The old New York City Hall on Wall Street built in 1699, from the original drawing by David Grimm. Source: Duer's Old Yorker collection, New York Public Library.

The old City Hall was constructed between 1699 and 1703 on the site of the present Federal Hall National Memorial (26 Wall Street, at the junction of Wall, Broad and Nassau streets). It was designed by James Evetts to replace Stadt Huys, the city's first administrative center. It was two stories high, with wings extending west and east. The building also housed a public library, a firehouse and the upper stories were used as a debtors' prison. The building was remodeled in 1789-1790 for the new Federal Hall.


Old City Hall


Federal Hall




18th century NY


Wall Street old NY


Columbia College Buildings


Major Holland NY


NYC Wall Street


Old City Hall on Wall Street - 18th Century


Copyright © Geographic Guide - old images of NYC, 18th century.




Historic Buildings