Worth Monument and Hotels on Broadway - 1860s


Original title: Worth Monument, South Front View / Broadway, New York. Additional text on print: Anthony's Stereoscopic views. Published by E. & H.T. Anthony & Co. American and Foreign Stereoscopic Emporium, 501 Broadway New-York. Composition of photos in stereographic format. Source: Photography Collection of NYPL.

Photo shows the Worth Monument and buildings on Broadway and West 25th Street, seen from Madison Square Park in the 1860s. The area is the junction of Broadway and Fifth Avenue. The original Hoffman House is seen on the left. The six-story building on the southwest corner of 25th Street was annexed to Hoffman House in 1870. The five-story building on the northwest corner of the same street became part of Worth House and later was also part of Hoffman House.


Worth Monument New York


Worth Square




Old City New York


Worth Monument and Hotels on Broadway - 1860s


Map of Madison Square



Worth House


Buildings Broadway NY


Worth Monument Madison Park


Hoffman House


Construction Hotel


25th St.


Fifth Avenue



Copyright © Geographic Guide - Old NYC, 19th century.