Mato Grosso do Sul

Mato Grosso do Sul mapKnown for its biodiversity, ecotourism is an important attraction in Mato Grosso do Sul (South Mato Grosso), especially in the southern region of Pantanal. Recognized by Unesco as a World Natural Heritage and a Biosphere Reserve, Pantanal is a plain that is subject to periodic flooding and one of the most diverse natural reserves on the planet. The main town in Pantanal is Corumbá, where sport fishing is a strong attraction.

The Correntoso a Cavalo Route, comprising the municipalities of Aquidauana, Corumbá and Miranda offers a ride through some of the most beautiful landscapes in Pantanal. It is a 7-8-day horse ride with stops at three lodges, each with different attractions but all with good infrastructure such as rooms with air-conditioning, swimming pools, Pantanal horses and typical regional cuisine.

The ongoing work of erosion has ensured the current shape of the Bodoquena Mountain Range, where the town of Bonito is located. The area houses huge caves crossed by rivers of clear water, which are ideal for diving.

The state capital, Campo Grande, is marked by the diversity of customs, music and cuisine and reflects unique cultural traits due to the natural heritage left by the Indians and Europeans, Japanese, Paraguayans, Bolivians and migrants from other states.

(Source: Embratur). More: History of Brazil


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Partial view of Campo Grande, the capital city of Mato Grosso do Sul.



Mato Grosso Sul


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