Great Sand Dunes National Park


The Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve is located in Alamosa and Saguache Counties, Colorado. The Park has the tallest dunes in North America, amazing landscapes and has several options for recreational activities. It was originally established as a national monument, in 1932, and became a national park and preserve in 2004, with new boundaries. More parks of Colorado



Great Sand Dunes National Park


Copyright © Geographic Guide - Travel United States, North America.


Elks and star dunes at the Great Sand Dunes National Park (photo NPS).




Parks Colorado





Colorado map



Sangre de Cristo


Sandboarding, Great Sand Dunes (Joseph Tumidalsky).








Frost on Cottonwood Trees (photo Patrick Myers).







Mount Herard



park recreation area


Sunset Light on Star Dune and Crestone Peaks. As the sun nears the horizon of this high-elevation valley, its intense light shines through soft atmospheric haze, shifting the color spectrum toward crimson. Visitors today are also inspired by the vibrant color and light in these mountains, which reach over 4,267 meters. Early explorers, moved by this phenomenon, named this mountain range 'Sangre de Cristo' ("Blood of Christ") (NPS / Patrick Myers).





Campsite in Piñon Flats Campground, Dunes and Sangre de Cristo Mountains (NPS / Patrick Myers).




Sandhill Cranes West of Dunes. Over 20,000 cranes spend part of their spring and fall in this valley.




Sandhill Cranes







Park recreation area in Medano Creek. Below, Dunes and Mount Herard above San Luis Lake (NPS).





Great Sand Dunes National Park










NPS / Patrick Myers





NPS / Patrick Myers