St. Nicholas Hotel - about 1880


The splendid structure of white marble of the St. Nicholas Hotel on Broadway, looking south from Spring Street. Unfortunately, the real edifice, especially the southern wing, did not exist in the form depicted here.

Uriah Welch was the only proprietor referred in this print. That happened from May 1, 1878 onwards, about the time the hotel was, in fact, reduced in size. Hand-colored lithograph by J.H. Bufford's Sons. Source: Eno collection of New York City views, New York Public Library.

The St. Nicholas was luxury hotel located on west side Broadway, between Broome and Spring streets. The hotel opened for the reception of guests in January 1853 and it was fully completed on March 1, 1854. It was considered to be the largest hotel in the world. It was closed in 1884.


St. Nicholas


Broadway in 19th Century



St. Nicholas Hotel


Another copy of the same illustration, with different handmade coloring..


Copyright © Geographic Guide - Old photos NYC, 19th Century Historic Hotels.


Hotel New York NY

South from Spring Street.


Hotel Broadway


Dining Room


The Manufacturers' and Merchants' Bank, which entrance is seen on the corner of Spring Street (527 Broadway), was in course of organization in the late 1859. It was reorganized in 1876 and it was closed by January 1880.


St. Nicholas Hotel



Broadway Old New York


St. Nicholas Hotel - about 1880