Army Day Parade on Fifth Avenue - 1935


Army Day Parade on Fifth Avenue, April 6 1935. Records of the Army Air Forces, U.S. National Archives and Records Administration.

Photograph shows a parade on Fifth Avenue, looking north from about 58th Street. The Plaza Hotel and the Grand Army Plaza (enlargement on the right) are in the foreground. Central Park, with its Zoo and Bethesda Terrace are on the left. The Savoy, the Sherry-Netherland, the Hotel Pierre and the 745 Fifth Avenue building are on the right on 5th Avenue.

According to the New York Times, on the same day, Saturday: «For the seventh successive year, Fifth Avenue this afternoon will hear the tramp of marching feet and martial music and see the swinging stride of a force of patriotic Americans in an Army Day demonstration.

Stirred, perhaps, by recent international events to a more zestful appreciation of the purpose of the annual event-preparedness in time of peace15,000 will march from Ninetieth Street to Sixty-first Street, passing in review before Mayor La Guardia and other officials at Sixty-fifth Street.

The parade will start at 2:15 o'clock...

At the request of the Fifth Avenue Association, the route has been confined to the upper avenue, so that there shall be no interference with business. The parade is an institution, originally, of the Military Order of the World War...»


Fifth Avenue Parade


Grand Army Plaza


Fifth Avenue


Copyright © Geographic Guide - 20th Century NYC. Central Park and Hotels.


Pulitzer Fountain

Hotel Pierre is on the left.


Army Day Parade on Fifth Avenue - 1935


Fifth Avenue