Fraunces Tavern - about 1908


The Fraunces Tavern, at 54 Pearl Street seen from Broad Street. Colorized postcard (tinted halftone) by Haberman, Bronx, New York, published in 1908 or before (in 1908 a fire escape was installed on the 58 Pearl Street front, not in this image). Original title: Fraunce's Tavern, Broad & Pearl Sts., New York.

The original building was erected in 1719 as a family residence. It became a tavern after being purchased by Samuel Fraunces, in 1762. The building was restored in 1906/1907.

In the second half of 18th century, it housed federal offices and it was the place of some historical meetings, including with George Washington in the Long Room.


Broad St.


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Washington's Head Quarters


Fraunces Tavern Museum



Harper's Weekly


NYC Landmark


Fraunces Tavern



Fraunces Tavern - about 1908


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