Fraunces Tavern and Broad Street - about 1914


The historic Fraunces Tavern, located at 54 Pearl Street, on the southeast corner of Broad Street. Undated photograph from the collection George P. Hall & Son photograph, circa 1876-1914, New-York Historical Society. Estimated year about 1914. Below, enlargement of part of the Broad Street. At the bottom of this page, a postcard about the same year.

In 1762, Samuel Fraunces bought the former mansion, built in 1719, and established it as a tavern in 1763.

The most famous moment in the Tavern came on December 4, 1783, when George Washington, full of emotion, simply lifted his glass and reportedly said: “I cannot come to each of you, but shall feel obliged if each of you will come and take my hand.”

Fraunces owned it until 1785. At that time, the building already served to house federal offices and continued to house them until at least 1788.

After restoration in 1906/1907, it became a restaurant and a museum, especially for those who seek interesting relics of the Revolution (1775-1783).


Broad Street New York


Historic Hotels in NYC






Pearl Street


Above, photograph by Underhill N.Y. printed in a vintage postcard about the same time of the photo on the top. Published by Lumitone Press Photo-Print, New York. Original title: Fraunce's Tavern - New York City. Until the early 20th century it was common to put the apostrophe before the "s" when writing the tavern name, but the proprietor's name was Samuel Fraunces, not Fraunce.



Copyright © Geographic Guide - 20th Century NYC. Historic Buildings.



Pearl Broad streets



Fraunces Tavern Museum


Fraunces Tavern


New York 19th century



Historic Hotels



Fraunces Tavern and Broad Street - about 1914