Fraunces Tavern - about 1900


Fraunces Tavern about 1900, before restoration of 1906/1907. Samuel Fraunces owned the tavern from 1762 to 1785. Glass storefronts were installed in the ground floor, in 1890.

Photograph taken about 1900, before restoration in 1906/1907. Original title: Fraunce's Tavern [Fraunces Tavern], Broad and Pearl Streets, New York. Source: Detroit Publishing Company photograph collection (Library of Congress). The photo appears to have been taken after a building's recent renovation and that was usual practice seen in the photos by Detroit Publishing Co. This is photo number 016368 by the Detroit Publishing Co. The previous photo, no. 016367, showed the Appellate Court Building in New York, completed in 1899, and no. 016370 is about the Richard M. Hunt Memorial, completed in 1901. .

The Charles & George Hotel replaced the Edw. Michels Hotel around 1900. "Fraunce's Tavern Restaurant" is indicated to be in the 1st floor (above ground floor). Franziskaner is a kind of beer. In the distance (left) the old elevated train of Coenties Slip. Before the signs "France's Tavern" on the façade there was signs "Whashington's Head Quarters", since at least the 1870s.

The sign "Geo. Ehret's" on the ground floor refers to German immigrant George Ehret (1835-1927) of Hell Gate Brewery, a Manhattan brewer. He owned several properties in New York.


Broad Street


Historic Hotels in NYC









Enlargement of the restaurant sign.


Curb Brokers


Historic Building


Copyright © Geographic Guide - 20th Century NYC. Historic Buildings.


Fraunces Tavern


Historic Tavern


Broad St

Colorized version of the photo above printed in a vintage postcard, copyrighted 1906 by Detroit Photographic.


Historic Hotels


Charles & George Hotel

Above, enlargement of the restaurant entrance and Charles & George Hotel sign.


Fraunces Tavern - about 1900