Canal in Broad Street - 1659

Illustrations representing the Canal, looking towards the East River, in present-day Broad Street, in the year 1659, during the Dutch rule of New Amsterdam (now New York). Above, wood engraving, signed by Wn. created about the late 19th Century, possibly based on the older one on the right, published in the Valentine's Manual for 1862, original title: «View of the "Graft," or Canal, in Broad Street, and the Fish Bridge, 1659.»

As we know, the historic city of Amsterdam in the Netherlands is filled with canals and the Dutch brought this urban development to New Amsterdam in America. The canal (Heere Graft or Heeren Gracht) ran down the middle of the street from 1646 to 1676. The British took over the City in 1664 and the canal was filled.

In the 17th century, during the Dutch rule of the City, the riverfront was at present-day Pearl Street, then Dock Street.


Canal 17th Century



Old City of New York


Valentines Manual



Heere Graft or Heeren Gracht


NY South Street




Broad Street



Canal 17th Century


Copyright © Geographic Guide - 17th Century NYC. New Amsterdam.


Wall Street


Old City New York


Canal in Broad Street - 1659