Union Park - 1849


The Union Park (Union Square) looking south. Drawn by G. Hayward, published in the Valentine's Manual for 1849.

The "Union Place" was foreseen in the Commissioners’ Plan of 1811. The square took its current size in 1832. The iron fence and other improvements were added in 1835 and 1836. It was made into a public park in 1839. The fountain was built in 1842. The Church of the Puritans was built in 1846-1847, at 15th Street, and demolished in 1869.

Since the 1850s, the square was home of several historical events. Commercial buildings replaced the old residential structures.


Union Park



Union Square in 19th Century



Union Square


Union Square NY





Union Park


Union Square Park



University Place


Wall Street 1835







Union Park - 1849


Church of the Puritans


Old City New York


Grace Church


Copyright © Geographic Guide - Old images of New York - NY.