Everett House - 1860


The Everett House at Fourth Avenue and Seventeenth Street, north side of Union Park. Photo, originally a stereograph view, published by George Stacy about 1860. Source: Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division.

This old 5-story hotel opened in 1853 and it was named after the Massachusetts Senator and Secretary of State, Edward Everett (1794-1865). Everett House stood partly on lots purchased of William B. Moffat (1818-1862), whose house adjoins it in the photo above. The building was demolished in 1908 and the site is now occupied by the Everett Building.


Everett House NYC



Union Square




Union Square Hotel


Everett House


NYC Madison Square



Hotel New York



Copyright © Geographic Guide - 19th Century in Manhattan - NY.


Everett House - 1860


Old City New York