Filled with torrential rivers, streams and lakes, Pará is a State marked by varied vegetation and a hot and humid climate. Places like Santarém, bathed by the Tapajós River, and Alter do Chão, with its freshwater beaches that only emerge from August to March, invite tourists to experience different colors, smells and tastes. The capital city, Belém, has good tourist and cultural infrastructure, allowing tourists to visit the urban center as well as surrounding areas.
The cuisine of the state has the Indigenous culture as a major influence, not only in the preparation of dishes, but also in their names such as the unique pato no tucupi (tucupi duck). Tucupi is a yellow juice extracted from bitter manioc and one of the main ingredients of the local cuisine.
The culture of Pará is very diverse. Crafts inspired by indigenous civilizations use raw materials found in nature itself, such as seeds. Pará is also the setting of the lightness of typical dances like carimbó, in which the manner of speaking if its people sets the tone and marks the steps.
Characters of Amazonian legends such as the pink dolphin - found in the rivers of the Amazon and which, according to the story turns into a handsome young man at night - and uirapuru - a forest bird that brings good luck in love, according to popular belief, complete cultural diversity of the state.
Capital: Belém.
(Source: Embratur). More: History of Brazil ►
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Port of Belém, capital of Pará.
C. Knepper