Liberty National Bank, 139 Broadway - 1910


The Liberty National Bank of New York was housed at 139 Broadway in this two-story neoclassical building, with marble façade, standing on a plot 23.8 by 110 feet. The Bank, founded in 1891, moved to this building after 1899 (when the plot was occupied by John A. Eckert & Co. in a 4-story building) and left the building before 1921. The Liberty National Bank building was erected about 1900 and still existed in 1967, then the plot became part of the Liberty Plaza Park.

On the left is the six-story North American Trust Company Building. On the right is the Washington Life Insurance Co.

Photograph published in 1910 in the book Both Sides of Broadway from Bowling Green to Central Park. Original title: Broadway, near Liberty Street, Liberty National Bank.


Liberty National Bank


Old photos of Broadway




Both Sides of Broadway



135 Broadway NY

North American Trust Company Building, 135 Broadway, corner of Cedar St.


Copyright © Geographic Guide - Old photographs of City of New York.


Gothic Towers


American Exchange National Bank building

33 - American Exchange National Bank on Broadway, Corner Cedar Street.


Interior of the Liberty National Bank of New York at 139 Broadway (postcard, postmark 1909).


Office Bank


Liberty National Bank, 139 Broadway - 1910


Antique photographs