North American Trust Company Building, 135 Broadway - 1910


The 14-story North American Trust Company Building, 135 Broadway, on the corner of Cedar Street, was erected about 1900. It replaced a 6-story building on the site. According to the New York Times (June 21, 1900), the North American Trust Company  moved its quarters to this building that year. The North American Trust Company was organized in 1896 and merged with the International Banking and Trust Company in 1900.

By 1910, it housed the Columbia Trust Co. In 1922, it housed the New York Title and Mortgage Company. In the 1930s, it housed the Bank of Manhattan quarters and the Lawyers Trust Company. In 1968, the site became part of the Liberty Plaza Park (today Zuccotti Park).

Photograph published in 1910 in the book Both Sides of Broadway from Bowling Green to Central Park. Original title: Broadway, Nos. 135 and 137, at Cedar Street - Columbia Trust Co. The U.S. Realty Building is no the left and the two-story Liberty National Bank building, 139 Broadway, is on the right.


135 Broadway


Old photos of Broadway




Both Sides of Broadway



East Side Broadway



Copyright © Geographic Guide - Old photographs of City of New York.



American Exchange National Bank building

33 - American Exchange National Bank on Broadway, Corner Cedar Street.




Broadway Old New York




North American Trust Company Building, 135 Broadway - 1910