Standard Oil Building, New York - 1910


The Standard Oil Building (26 Broadway) is on the left and the Welles Building is on the right. The Produce Exchange Bank Building is to the right, out of the picture.

Photograph published in 1910 (possibly taken before) in the book Both Sides of Broadway from Bowling Green to Central Park.


Standard Oil Building


Antique photos of Broadway






Both Sides of Broadway



Produce Exchange

Broadway, east side, from Produce Exchange, in Bowling Green, to Standard Oil Building -1899.


Morris Street

7 - Morris Street seen from Broadway in 1910.


Washington Building

3 - Number 1 Washington Building and the Bowling Green Offices Building - 1910.


Stevens House

5 - Broadway, 13 to 27. Stevens House, corner Morris Street - 1909.





Standard Oil Building, New York - 1910


Copyright © Geographic Guide - Old photographs of NYC.




Antique photographs