Union Square, Broadway, West Side. 17th to 20th St. - 1899


Image depicts buildings on the west side of Broadway, old New York City. Stretch from 17th Street to 20th Street, a section between Union Square and  Madison Square.

Source: A Pictorial Description of Broadway, published in 1899 by Mail & Express Company, publisher of the Evening Mail (New York Public Library).


West side Broadway New York NY


Antique images of NYC









Decker Building

50 - Broadway, West Side, Union Square. 14th to 17th St. - 1899.


Union Square



Offices NYC

Fifth Avenue, east side, 18th Street - 1911.


Union Square NY

51 - Union Square, Broadway, east side, 12th to 14th St. - 1899


19th century NY

53 - Broadway, east side, 17th to 20th St. - 1899.


Broadway 19th century NY

55 - Broadway, east side, 20th to 23rd 1899.


Pictorial Description Broadway

















Union Square, Broadway, West Side. 17th to 20th St. - 1899





Copyright © Geographic Guide - Old NYC, 19th century.


Historic Buildings