Custom House, Wall and Nassau Streets - 1847


The Custom House, New York. Estimated year by Frank Weitenkampf (1866-1962): 1847. Lithographed and published by Nathaniel Currier, NYC. Source: New York Public Library.

This historic Greek revival building, located on Wall Street, corner of Nassau Street, was constructed, between 1834 and 1842, for the Custom House. In 1863, it housed the U.S. Sub-Treasury. In 1883, the life-size bronze statue of George Washington, by the sculptor John Quincy Adams Ward, was dedicated in its steps. It was designated the Federal Hall Memorial in 1939. The old Federal Hall, where George Washington was inaugurated on April 30, 1789, was demolished in 1812.

The colonnade of eight Doric-order columns at the portico appears on both ends of the building, Wall and Pine streets. The wide monumental steps are reminiscent of a Greek temple. The western facade features alternating columns, evenly spaced pilasters, and windows.


Custom House




Old NY City Hall


Federal Hall


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Wall Street fire


Custom House NY


Custom House, Wall and Nassau Streets - 1847


Copyright © Geographic Guide - Old images of NYC, Historic Buildings in the 19th century.


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Historic Buildings