Fifth Avenue Building - about 1911


The Fifth Avenue Building, at 200 Fifth Avenue, was completed in 1909, with its 14 floors, located near the Flatiron Building and overlooking Madison Square Park. Photograph was taken from 23rd Street, between about 1911 (when the sign "Hoffman House" was placed in the façade of the hotel) and April 1912, when the Hoffman House's Moorish wing, on the corner of 25th Street, was demolished. Photo published by Detroit Publishing Co. Source: Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division.

The 200 Fifth Avenue building was erected on the same site of the old Fifth Avenue Hotel, between West 23rd Street and West 24th Street, demolished in 1908. Later, it became known as International Toy Center. After more than a century, the building is still there. The Albemarle and Hoffman House are between 24th Street and 25th Street. Both were demolished in 1915. Worth Square and its monument is to the right, at 25th Street.


200 5th Ave


Fifth Avenue









19th century NY



See enlargement of the buildings on the right at Madison Square West.


Enlargement of the West 23rd Street.


Junction Broadway Fifth Avenue NY



West 23rd Street


Flatiron Building




New York NY



Enlargement of the stores in the ground floor.


Fifth Avenue Building - about 1911




Fifth Avenue New York




The sidewalk clock was built by the Hecla Iron Works and installed in 1909, it replaced a Seth Thomas Clock that was installed before 1864.






Copyright © Geographic Guide - Vintage Photos of NYC. 20th Century.




Old City New York