Heckscher Building, Fifth Avenue - 1921


Looking down on Fifth Avenue from 59th Street, with Heckscher Building on the corner of West 57th Street. The Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church and Gotham Hotel are on the west side. The Cornelius Vanderbilt II House is in the foreground, below. Photograph by Irving Underhill, copyrighted 1921. Source: Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division.

The the 26-story Heckscher Building (730 Fifth Avenue), later Crown Building / Genesco Building, was built in that year of 1921.


Heckscher Building




Old City of New York



Fifth Avenue

From Grand Army Plaza, with the Vanderbilt House to the right.



Crowds NY


Hotel Gotham


New York NY


Hampshire House NY


Traffic NY

Looking north from 40th Street.



Copyright © Geographic Guide - 20th Century NYC.



Heckscher Building, Fifth Avenue - 1921


Fifth Avenue