New York YMCA Building at 52 East 23rd Street and 4th Avenue - about 1872


The New York Young Men’s Christian Association Building constructed between 1868 and 1869, at 52 East 23rd Street (corner of Fourth Avenue, today Park Avenue South), and demolished in 1903. The building was designed by renowned architect James Renwick Jr.

The New York YMCA was founded in 1852. It initially operated in the Stuyvesant Institute building at 659 Broadway.

The old Fourth Avenue Presbyterian Church, completed in 1855, is on the left, on the corner of 22nd Street. The small chapel, adjacent to it, was completed in 1869, the same year the YMCA building was completed. The church was demolished in 1910.

Photograph (originally Stereograph) taken about 1872 from 23rd Street. It was published by Emporium of American and Foreign Stereoscopic Views, Chromos and Albums. Additional texts: Young Men's Christian Association Building - Corner 23rd St. and 4th Ave. Public Buildings in New York City and vicinity. Source: Stereoscopic views of libraries and organizations' buildings in New York City, New York Public Library.



Historic Hotels







West Side YMCA





Navarro Flats


Fourth Avenue NY


4th Avenue NY


National Academy of Design


National Academy Design

Northwest corner of 23rd Street.


Park Avenue South




Copyright © Geographic Guide - Old photos New York - N.Y., 19th Century.


Historic Hotels