Map of Madison Square about 1860


Map of Madison Square and surrounding area, bounded by West 27th Street, East 27th Street, Fourth Avenue, East 22nd Street, West 22nd Street, Sixth Avenue. Plate 69 of William Perris Maps of the City of New York. Source: New York Public Library.

This map was made about 1860, when the Albemarle Hotel opened. The Fifth Avenue Hotel, completed in 1859, is indicated as Mount Vernon Hotel, its first name. This map predates the construction of Hoffman House, completed in 1864 at Broadway and West 25th Street. The Worth Monument was dedicated in 1857. The Madison Square Presbyterian Church, on the corner of East 24th Street, was dedicated in 1854.

More: Madison Square in the 19th century



Madison Square




Copyright © Geographic Guide - 19th Century NYC. Historic Places.


Fifth Avenue Hotel


Old City New York


Liberty torch

Statue of Liberty torch on the right.


Maps NYC


Madison Square


Future Flatiron Building site, completed in 1902.


Madison Square Presbyterian Church

Up from 23rd Street. Madison Square Presbyterian Church, on the corner of East 24th Street is on the corner of East 24th Street.


Map of Madison Square about 1860