Palace Theatre on Times Square at 47th Street - 1920


The old Times Square, with the Seventh Avenue in the foreground, looking east toward 47th Street. The Palace Theatre at 1564 Broadway is housed the 11-story building, on the right, completed in 1913. Photograph copyrighted by American Studio 1920. Source: Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division.

The old Columbia Theatre is on the left, on the northeast corner of 7th Avenue and 47th Street. It was a burlesque theater operated by the Columbia Amusement Company, between 1910 and 1927, when the theater was closed. More: Times Square looking north


Palace Theatre



Old Times Square



Longacre Theatre


Copyright © Geographic Guide - Old photographs of NYC.


NYC 20th century


7th Avenue


West 42nd Street


Old City New York


Palace Theatre on Times Square at 47th Street - 1920