7th Avenue at 47th Street, Times Square - 1917


Photo shows buildings on east side Seventh Avenue, pedestrians, streetcars, billboards and construction site in the foreground at 47th Street. This is the junction of Broadway in Times Square, about 1917. Source: Photographic views of New York City, from the collections of the New York Public Library.

The old Columbia Theatre is on the right, on the northeast corner of 7th Avenue and 47th Street. It was a burlesque theater operated by the Columbia Amusement Company, between 1910 and 1927, when the theater was closed.

More: Seventh Avenue at Times Square


7th Avenue


Old Times Square




Copyright © Geographic Guide - Old photographs of NYC. Historic Buildings.


Seventh Avenue


Heckscher Building


Fifth Avenue







7th Avenue at 47th Street, Times Square - 1917


Old City New York