Times Building at 229 West 43rd Street - 1924


The 18-story New York Times Building at 229 West 43rd Street, formerly known as Times Annex (before expansion). Drawing dated 1924 shows the building as it appeared after the enlargement of 1923. Source: New York Public Library (image published in the New York Times).

The Times Annex was built in three stages, between 1912 and 1932. It was announced in the New York Times in March 1911 "to meet this paper's needs". The building 143 ft by 100 feet, 12 stories in height would house mechanical and editorial departments.

According to the Landmarks Preservation Commission (April 24, 2001), in 1922, the New York Times filed plans to double the plant's capacity. Ludlow & Peabody designed the one 100-foot long addition, which consisted of an expanded staff entrance, five identical bays to the west, and a five-story setback attic level in the style of the French Renaissance. At the center of the hipped roof attic, which extended across both buildings, was a seven-story tower, capped by a pyramidal roof and slender lantern. The west wing (not shown here) was constructed in 1930-1932.


229 West 43rd Street



Times Square


Times Building


Old Times Square


Old City New York


Times Square Aerial photo


Times Square NY


Times Building at 229 West 43rd Street - 1924



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