British Evacuation of New York in 1783



British Evacuation


Panoramic view of the evacuation of the British troops from the New York City, on November 24, 1783, depicted from harbor, with the old Fort George on the right. Drawn from nature by Robert Raymond. Source: Tom Lecky, Christie’s. Calligraphic title: Journal and Remarks of the most particular Passages that happened on board the different Ships Sail’d in. by Robert Raymond. Commencing, May 13 1767.

The U.S. flag with 13 stars and six red stripes is shown on the fort wall. The Evacuation Day is officially celebrated on November 25, 1783, the following day depicted in the illustration above. The celebration marks the General George Washington's triumphal entry into the City of New York on November 25, after the British evacuation. On September 3, in the Treaty of Paris, Great Britain  acknowledged the sovereignty of the United States, bringing the Independence War to an end. New York was the first capital of the new country.


NYC in the 18th Century



New York City, Great Fire 1776


NYC Fire 1776 map







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British Evacuation of New York in 1783


18th century NYC