Old New York from Trinity Church - 1848


Illustration of the City of New York, looking north from Trinity Church. Broadway is on the left and Wall Street is on the right. The original title is: New-York, in 1849, but the illustration, drawn by Edward B. Purcell, was registered by the engraver Stephen Weekes, in 1848, according to text on print. Publisher: Robert Sears (1810-1892). Publisher: Robert Sears (1810-1892). Source: New York Public Library.

Judging from the perspective, this illustration was taken from the tower of the third temple of Trinity Church, then the tallest structure in the City, consecrated in 1846. The tower was drawn a bit further north.


Old New York


NYC in the 19th Century



New York City 19th century



New England Hotel


Panoramic View Broadway


Trinity Church


Lower Broadway 19th Century


St. Paul's Chapel


New York NY


Trinity Church 1900


Manhattan 19th century


City Hall


Broadway NY


Wall Street


Old New York from Trinity Church - 1848



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