Bowling Green - 1939


Bowling Green in 1939, as seen from the U.S. Custom House, after reforms in the late 1930s. In 1939, New York hosted a World's Fair for the first time. The fountain was removed, the Abraham de Peyster Monument remained in the historic Park. Photograph by Wurts Brothers. Source: New York Public Library.

A new 29 Broadway Building, constructed in 1930-1931, replaced the old Columbia Building. The Bowling Green Offices Building, completed in 1898 at 11 Broadway, is on the left. Cunard Building is on the southwest corner of Morris Street.


NY 20th century


Antique photos of NYC






Subway Bowling Green


Bowling Green New York NY


Abraham de Peyster


Bowling Green images


Bowling Green fountain



People Broadway



















Bowling Green - 1939




Antique photographs



Copyright © Geographic Guide - Old photo of NYC.