Fifth Avenue from 42nd Street - 1879


Fifth Avenue, looking south from 42nd Street, from a photograph by John Bachmann, 1879. Lithographed & printed by R.A. Welcke, N.Y. Copyrighted 1904 by Max Williams, New York. Source: Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division.


5th Avenue New York




5th Avenue NY


There is the other view, looking north (see below), taken from the same place, which was the old Hotel Bristol at Forty-second Street, both based on photographs by Bachmann, famous for its bird's eye views of New York.

This area was then mostly residential. The old Croton Distributing Reservoir is on the right (site of the present New York Public Library building). The old Brick Presbyterian Church is on the corner of 37th Street. The congregation moved to this temple in 1858 and it was demolished in 1938.


Old City of New York


19th century NY

The other view, looking north.


Fifth Avenue 19th Century


Madison Square NY


Manhattan 19th century

Lower Manhattan, looking south from 42nd Street, showing the Croton Reservoir and the Crystal Palace, built for the Exhibition of the Industries of All Nations, 1853/1854.


New York NY


19th century


Copyright © Geographic Guide - Old NYC, 19th Century.



Fifth Avenue from 42nd Street - 1879


Fifth Avenue