Fifth Avenue from Start to Finish - 1911: Shops, Offices and East 27th Street


Wide-angled photograph showing cars, offices and shops on the east side of Fifth Avenue. East 27th Street. No. 225 Raymond & Whitcomb, tours - Birdsey-Somers Co. and Pearson, tailor at 233 - The Florida East Coast Co. - S.E. Cor. 28th St. Adams Antique Works of Art at 239 5th Avenue. E.B. Meyrowitz Optician at 237. Brentanos's Books. Photo published in the album Fifth Avenue from Start to Finish by Welles & Co. NY, 1911. Source: New York Public Library.


East 27th Street


Antique photos of NYC






Fifth Avenue New York


Fifth Avenue, West 27th Street


Offices 5th Avenue


West 28th Street

25 - Fifth Avenue, West 28th Street, Second National Bank - 1911.


Brunswick Building

22 - Brunswick Building and Madison Square.


West 26th Street

21 - Fifth Avenue, west side. West 26th Street.


West 27th Street

23 - Fifth Avenue, west side. West 27th Street.


Offices 5th Ave NY

26 - Fifth Avenue, offices, East 29th Street - 1911.



Nineteenth century NY

Broadway, east side, 25th to 27th St. - 1899.




Copyright © Geographic Guide - Old photographs of NYC. Historic Buildings.






Enlargement of a part in the center.


Antique photographs