Flatiron Building in Construction


Photograph taken on 1 March 1902 and published by the Detroit Publishing Company. The building was completed by September, the same year. Broadway is on the left and Fifth Avenue is on the right. Source: Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division.

In August 1902 the Fuller Company announced that the building would be officially named after George A. Fuller, who had died two years earlier. It was announced that the building would be ready for occupancy on October 1, 1902. More: Flatiron block before Flatiron Building



Antique photos of NYC





Flat Iron 1900


Enlargement of detail of the photograph.



141 Fifth Avenue, 15 stories, completed in 1897 at the southeast corner of 21st Street.


Flatiron District


Flatiron images


Enlargement of a car in the photo.


East Side Fifth Avenue

Enlargement of east side 5th Avenue.


Flatiron NY


Flatiron Building in Construction







Copyright © Geographic Guide - 20th Century NYC. Historic Buildings.



George Fuller Co


19th century NYC

Broadway, west side, 20th to 23rd St. - 1899.



Street scene










Enlargement of a street scene in the photo.






Antique photographs