Grand Hotel


The Grand Hotel on the corner of Broadway and West 31st Street (now 31 Street Broadway Hotel). Seen from Broadway, looking south. Photograph taken between 1871, when Gilsey House (on the right) was completed and the 1880s. In 1893, The Imperial Annex was erected on the northern corner of 31st Street.


NY 19th century


Historic Hotels in NYC






NY Hotels




Grand Hotel


Grand Hotel NYC

Late 19th century.


Copyright © Geographic Guide - Old photos Manhattan, 19th Century.


Hotel Breslin



Broadway, east side. 29th to 31st Street, Grand Hotel and Gilsey House - 1899.


Grand Hotel Wallack's Broadway

New Grand Hotel and Wallack's Theatre on east side of Broadway - 1910



Photograph between 1871 and the 1880s


Historic Hotels









New Grand Hotel

Photo between 1904 and 1913.


Grand Hotel