Madison Square Apartments - 1910


The Madison Square Apartments at 37 Madison Avenue, facing Madison Square Park. Photo from the World's Loose Leaf Album of Apartment Houses, containing views and ground plans of the principal high class apartment houses in New York City, ... Published by the New York World, March 1910. Source: NYPL.

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Madison Square Apartments




Historic Hotels in NYC


Broadway Fifth Avenue


Text that accompanies this photograph:

«The Madison Square is perhaps the most interesting and most important of the centrally located Apartment Houses. It faces Madison Square on Madison avenue at Twenty-sixth street and adjoins the beautiful building of the Appellate Court on the South and is opposite the famous Madison Square Garden on the north.

Situated in the very centre of one of the most important sections of the city, affording easy access to Fifth Avenue and to the Twenty-third, Thirty-fourth and Forty-second street sections and to all theatres, without subway travel.

The house is chiefly residential, but rooms or apartments can be had by the day, week, season or year. One building contains a number of very attractive housekeeping apartments. Information on request.

Dining room service, both a la carte and table d'hote, is exceptional, a specialty being made of scientific ''home cooking.'' Dining room for exclusive use of guests.

Among many attractive features it is unique as being thee only Hotel or Apartment House operated strictly on the non-tipping plan.»

The Madison Square Hotel opened in July 1904 as "The Madison Square". The Leonard Jerome mansion is on the left. Both, the hotel and the mansion, were demolished about 1969.


Madison Square Hotel


Lobby hotel



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Old City New York



Madison Square Apartments - 1910