Worth Square - 1890


Worth Square, junction of Broadway and 5th Avenue, in the late 19th Century, looking north from the site of Flatiron Building, built years later. Original title: New York - Broadway and Opening of Fifth Avenue at Madison Square. Illustration published in Blackie's Modern Cyclopedia, 1890.

Madison Square is to the right and Fifth Avenue Hotel is to the left. Worth Square, a triangular square bounded by Fifth Avenue (right), Broadway and West 25th Street. It has served as a burial site and memorial to General William Jenkins Worth. The old Worth House, facing Worth Square, opened in the 1850s. Madison Square Park, was created in 1847. More: Fifth Avenue in the 19th Century


19th Century


Worth Square



New York Worth Square


Old City New York





Castle Garden Bay


Worth Square


Broadway 5th Avenue


Wall Street 19th century


Madison Square



Worth Square - 1890



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