Park Avenue - 1958


View of Park Avenue looking toward Grand Central Terminal and the Helmsley Building (N.Y. Central Building). Photograph shows south end entrance to Park Avenue/Murray Hill Tunnel. The street at bottom is 33rd Street, and building on right is the 71st Regiment on Park Avenue and 33rd Street. Photo taken by Angelo Rizzuto (1906-1967) in September 1958. Source: Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division.

The cornerstone of the 71st New York Infantry Regiment building was laid on December 17, 1892, and the 71st moved to this site on March 31, 1894. The former building on the intersection of Broadway, 6th Avenue and 35th Street was demolished to make way for the old Herald Building. It later moved to 125 West 14th Street.


20th century NY


Old City of New York






Copyright © Geographic Guide - 20th Century NYC.




N.Y. Central Building


Map of Park Avenue NY




Union Square NY



Grand Central Terminal


Chrysler Building spire



Opposite view






Chanin Building, at 122 East 42nd Street, built in 1929.


Park Avenue - 1958


Park Avenue


Antique photographs