American Surety Building, 100 Broadway - 1898


View the American Surety Building, 100 Broadway, southeast corner of Pine Street, Manhattan. The Old Equitable Building is on the northeast corner. The Schermerhorn Building, owned by John Jacob Astor, is next to it, on the right. Photograph by George P. Hall & Son, copyright 1898. Source: New-York Historical Society.

Design by architect Bruce Price, the American Surety Building was designated a city landmark by the New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission, considering its special character and special historical and aesthetic interest and value as part of the development, heritage and cultural characteristics of the City of New York.

Lower Broadway in the Second Half of 19th Century


100 Broadway


Skyscrapers of NYC



American Surety Building


Historic Buildings



NY Early Skyscrapers


Equitable Building Ruins


NY Rockefeller Center


Lower Manhattan


Old Mutual Life Building


The Old Equitable Building destroyed in 1912.


Financial District


American Surety Building, 100 Broadway - 1898


Copyright © Geographic Guide - Buildings in the City of New York.