Trinity Church on Broadway - 1863


The Trinity Church on the west side of Broadway (opposite Wall Street), New York City. George Stacy photographer and publisher, copyright 1863. Source: Collection of Library of Congress.

The first temple of the Trinity Church in New York City was dedicated in 1697 and enlarged in 1737. It was destroyed in Great Fire of 1776, during the Independence War. The second temple was completed in 1790, being both longer and wider than the first. It was demolished in 1839 due to structural problems. Construction of this Gothic temple, designed by architect Richard Upjohn, began in the same year and it was dedicated in 1846. The clock in the spire was installed in May and the big bell, in September.

The 5-story commercial building on the corner of Rector Street (left) was replaced by the Empire Building, completed in 1898. The site was formerly occupied by the old Grace Church.


Trinity Church Broadway




Churches of NYC


Dutch Reformed Church


18th century NY

Showing both the original Trinity Church and the First  Presbyterian Church.


Exchange Place


Broadway, Trinity Church


Broadway Astor House


Trinity Church


Copyright © Geographic Guide - 19th Century NYC, Historic Churches.


Old City New York


Trinity Church on Broadway - 1863