Plan of Harbor of New York, Carwitham - about 1730
Original title: A Plan of the Harbour of New York.
Engraved on copper by J. Carwitham (on print "I. Carwitham Sculp."). Year
depicted by Stokes (Iconography of Manhattan Island, ... 1915): about 1730. Year issued: about 1735.
Published alongside a City map. Source: Département Cartes et
Plans, Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF). No other copy known. Included
in a collection of four volumes, two of which contain loose maps, plans, and
views of the United States, and two, similar documents relating to other parts
of America.
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Some of the features shown in this map: Burlington Road, Middle Town, Sandy Hook, Raritan River, Staten Island, Bergen Neck, Pequanick Falls, Saddle River, Hudsons River, Scullers copper mine, Newark, Elizabeth Town, Brookland, Maskal Kill, South River, Manhatten or York Island, Kings Bridge, New Rochel, Oyster Bank, Robins Ritt, Baren Island, Rockway Neck, Jamaica bay and Richmond County.
Plan of Harbor of New York, Carwitham - about 1730