Map of Forty-Second Street, Manhattan - 1915


Map of Forty-Second Street, Manhattan from the Rider's New York city and vicinity, including Newark, Yonkers and Jersey City - a Guide-Book for Travelers, with 16 maps and 18 plans., compiled and edited by Fremont Rider. Published New York by Henry Holt and Company, 1916 by Rider Press. Map copyright 1915.

Map shows features of 42nd Street section from Third Avenue to Ninth Avenue. It includes streets from 39th Street to 52nd Street, transport lines and the names of important buildings of the time. Times Square, Bryant Park, New York Public Library, Grand Central Terminal, Belmont Hotel, Broadway Theatre, Metropolitan Opera House, St. Patrick's Cathedral and other notable buildings.

 Below, text from the Guide:

«The first charter for Greater New York, uniting the five boroughs, was obtained in 1898 and amended 1901 the amendment going into effect in 1902. The Mayor, the Comptroller, and the President of the Board of Aldermen are elected by a plurality vote of voters of the city. The mayor appoints the heads of all the departments except the department of finance, of which the comptroller is chief. He appoints, but cannot remove members of the Board of Education, Trustees of City College (p. 344), Trustees of Bellevue and Allied Hospitals (p. 225), Police Magistrates, Judges of the Court of Special Sessions, and some other officers.

The chief legislative body is the Board of Aldermen, one member from each of the 72 aldermanic districts of the city (Manhattan 37, Brooklyn 22, Bronx 7, Queens 4, Richmond 3). The ordinances or resolutions passed by this body must be signed or vetoed by the mayor within ten days. A 2-3 vote of all the members can pass an ordinance or resolution over the mayor's veto, unless it' involves a question of finance in which case it takes a 4-5 vote, or unless it is the grant of a franchise in which case the mayor's veto is final. Aldermen make, amend, or repeal all police, park, fire, and building regulations and ordinances. They have the power to reduce the budget. The salary of each is $1,000 a year. The city Clerk appointed by the board holds office for six years at $7,000 a year.»



Maps of NYC - 20th Century



Map Forty-Second Street


Map Lower Manhattan


NYC 19th century

42nd Street from the Hudson River to  East River waterfronts - 1879.


Map Manhattan


Historical maps NYC



Map of Forty-Second Street, Manhattan - 1915


Copyright © Geographic Guide - 20th Century, Cartography, Old Maps NYC.







Old City New York