Lower Broadway, Bowling Green - 1902


The Bowling Green, New York City, looking up Broadway on May 4, 1902. Source: Robert L. Bracklow photograph collection from the New-York Historical Society.

Columbia Building (tallest building on west side Broadway), on northwest corner of Morris Street, was an office building at 29 Broadway, completed in 1891. Offices were sold in February 1891 by E.A. Cruikshank & Co. (established in 1794), announcing direct light in every office, steam heat, electric light and four swift elevators.

Stevens House, former Delmonico's Hotel (erected in 1845-1846), is on the southwest corner of Morris Street (two 5-story buildings at 21-27 Broadway). Stevens House was demolished in 1919 to make way for the Cunard Building. The adjoining six-story building was known as the "house of lions" for the two iron lions that stood on granite bases at the entrance steps. It was erected after the Great Fire of 1845 and demolished in 1915 to the needs of the Broadway subway.

The five-story building on the corner of Beaver Street, on the right, was erected on the site of the Adelphi Hotel, destroyed in the Great Fire of 1845.


Lower Broadway



Bowling Green


Traffic Lower Broadway

 North from of John Street.


Stevens House


Columbia Building


Bowling Green Park NYC

Columbia Building


Lower Manhattan New York


Bowling Green New York NY


Old City New York



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Lower Broadway, Bowling Green - 1902