Buildings on West Side Broadway, Bowling Green - between 1911 and 1914


Old office buildings on west side Broadway, facing Bowling Green, between 1898 and 1916. Bowling Green park is to the left. Source: H.N. Tiemann & Co. photograph collection, New-York Historical Society. Continue below...


Old Buildings




Bowling Green in 19th century


The Uranium Steamship Company (former Northwest Transport Line, before 1910) is in a five-story building at 13 Broadway. According to leaflets of this British company and newspapers, its office in New York was at 13 Broadway from 1911 to 1914, when the WWI started. At the time, most of the steamship lines concentrated their passenger business in the area near the Custom House.

The 16-story Bowling Green Offices Building, completed in 1898, is to the left. Part of the façade of the old Stevens House can be seen at right, with an office of the Lloyd Sabaudo, a shipping transport line formed in Turin in 1906.

After 1916, the buildings in the center were demolished for the subway construction. Stevens House was demolished in 1919 to make way for the Cunard Building.


Bowling Green




NY Lower Broadway

From Bowling Green.



Bowling Green NYC



Map of West Side Broadway


Buildings on West Side Broadway, Bowling Green - between 1911 and 1914


Copyright © Geographic Guide - Photo Old Buildings in NYC.




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