Broadway, Canal Street to beyond Niblo's Garden - 1834



Broadway Canal Street


Canal Street


Original title: Broadway, New-York. Shewing Each Building from the Hygeian Depot Corner of Canal Street to beyond Niblo's Garden (looking north). Note: shew is an archaic spelling of show. Illustration drawn and etched by Thomas Hornor (American, born in England, 1785-1844), aquatinted by John Hill (American, born in England, 1770-1850). Printed by W. Neale. Published and copyrighted by Joseph  Stanley & Co. Entered in the clerks office (copyright) of the Southern District of New York, January 26, 1836. Year depicted: 1834 or 1835. Source: Metropolitan Museum of Art.

This print shows much detail illustrating life of the period on Broadway, New York’s major thoroughfare. Niblo's Garden was a theater and a resort near Prince Street. According to Stokes (Iconography of Manhattan Island... 1918) "Although the view bears the date [January 26] 1836, it was probably drawn in 1834, as in this year only is Wm. West, upholsterer, found at 422 Broadway". Continue below...


Broadway NY 19th Century


By 1836, the Joseph  Stanley & Co., on the northeast corner of Canal Street (see enlargement above), was replaced by the Webb's Emporium of Light, then this print was republished with the year 1836, showing a sign of the new company in the ground floor.

The image on the right is a fragment of a similar illustration, but replacing the sign the Joseph  Stanley & Co. by the Webb's Emporium of Light, dated 1836. Presented with the compliments of James A. Webb & Son, successors to A. V. H. Webb, the founder and proprietor of Webb's Emporium of Light. Manufacturers of and dealers in alcohol, cologne spirit, spirits of turpentine, etc.

On the northwest corner of Canal Street (left) is the John J. Marshall store at 42 Canal St. On the southwest corner is the Lockwood School Book Depository at 415 Broadway. Below, enlargement of the storefronts on east side Broadway.

Prior to 1830, the business portion of Manhattan and most of its fashionable residences were below Canal Street. The favorite drive ended at a little road-house familiarly known as Corporal Thompson's, on the corner of Broadway and 23rd Street. There were no street cars, but few omnibuses, and two or three ferries.



Webb's Emporium of Light


Chatham Street


Broadway - 19th Century


Lower Broadway New York City






The building on the right, at 416 Broadway, southeast corner of Canal St., was the (John) Wright's Hat Warehouse. The building on the northeast corner, housed several stores and offices, including the headquarters of the publisher of this print: Joseph  Stanley & Co. at 50 Canal Street, with a sigh Importers of Books Prints & Stationery. The Hygeian Depot (General Depot for the sale of Morisons Hygeian Medicines - Branch of the British College of Health) was in the second floor. See an enlargement below from a copy of this print from the New York Public Library.

Continue below...



Broadway Old New York



Map New York NY


Broadway, Canal Street to beyond Niblo's Garden - 1834



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