Park Fountain, New York City - 1848


Original title: Park Fountain, New-York. Drawn by G. Hayward for D.T. Valentine's Manual 1848.

Illustration shows City Hall Park, north from the intersection of Broadway and Chatham Row (Park Row). The Croton Fountain was placed in the center of the Park in 1842. The Astor House is partially represented on the extreme left and the old American Hotel opened in 1825 at 229 Broadway, on the northwest corner of Barclay Street.

The City Hall, behind the fountain, was dedicated in 1811 and the palace was completed in 1812, when the city government moved from the old Federal Hall. The City Hall housed the three wings of the government: legislative, executive and judicial. The fence surrounding the Park was built in 1818 and completed in 1821. It replaced the old post and rail fence built in 1785.



City Hall Park in 19th Century




City Hall


Park NYC


Fountain NY


Chatham Row


Union Park NYC


American Hotel





Park Fountain, New York City - 1848


Copyright © Geographic Guide - 19th Century NYC. Historical Heritage.



City Hall




City Hall Park