Ellis Island and Manhattan Waterfront - 1978


General view, looking east. Ellis Island, New York Harbor, New York County. Photographer Jack E. Boucher, 1978, for the U.S. Government. Source: Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division.

Ellis Island was the primary port of entry into the United States for immigrants during the period 1892-1930s. The Ellis Island facility is located in New York Harbor on three small islands modified by successive building programs into one. From January 1, 1892 until June 15, 1897, the immigration station was housed in a variety of wood buildings which included a main building, a hospital, a laundry, a utility plant and a number of supporting outbuildings. Some of these support structures were former military buildings from the naval powder magazine previously located on the island.

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New York


Antique photos of NYC






Ellis Island



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German immigrants







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Antique photographs





Ellis Island and Manhattan Waterfront - 1978