Broad Street - 1831

Broad Street looking north with the Custom House in the distance (old Federal Hall). Broad Street connects Wall Street to the East River.

Joseph Meeks & Sons (43 and 45 Broad Street), manufactory of cabinet furniture. Joseph Meeks (1771-1868) was one of the founders of the Tammany Society. The H.N. Ferris buildings on the right.

Illustration drawn by A.J. Davis, engraved by J. Archer.  Published in the Views in New-York and its Environs by Peabody & Co., 1831. Source: New York Public Library.

More: Broad Street in 19th century


19th century



Broad Street in 19th Century









City Hotel



Old Tavern New York NY

The historic tavern on Broad Street, corner of Pearl St. The building was erected about 1720.


NY Broad Street


NY South Street


Federal Hall 1797


Holt's Hotel NY

Drawing from the same work.


Broad Street


Manhattan 19th century


Copyright © Geographic Guide - 19th Century NYC. Manhattan.


Broad Street - 1831



NY 19th Century