O Novo Mundo at Park Row - 1874


The old New York Times Building in Park Row. Illustration published in O Novo Mundo on June 23, 1874. Original title (Portuguese): O Edificio do "New York Times", New York.  The Franklin Monument in on the left at the Printing House Square, with the old Tract House on the corner of Nassau Street. On the right, the old headquarters of the N.Y. World at 37 Park Row, which was burned down in 1882. The Nash & Fuller Restaurant (originally Crook and Duff's) occupied much of the first floor of the New York Times Building for thirty years. In 1888, the restaurant moved to 16 Park Place.

The New York Times Building also housed the first headquarters of O Novo Mundo, Periodico Illustrado do Progresso da Edade, a monthly periodical published in Portuguese, in New York, from 1870 to 1879, by the Brazilian José Carlos Rodrigues, principal stockholder in the Novo Mundo Association (organized in June, 1875). On the right, cover of O Novo Mundo, April 23, 1874, showing the Fulton Ferry and the projected Brooklyn Bridge (source: a Hemeroteca digital da Biblioteca Nacional, Brazil). The sign "O Novo Mundo" on the Park Row Façade of the building was enlarged in 1874, after the S.S. Wood & Company stopped publishing its Wood's Household Magazine (see image below to compare).

In the last issue of O Novo Mundo, December 1879, the address was 21 N.Y. Times Building. After a huge tax increase in Brazil for foreign print, the periodical could no longer be published. In December 1879, O Novo Mundo was insolvent and Joseph S. Auerbach was appointed as receiver to take charge of the assets. The Novo Mundo sign was replaced by the Forest Stream Rod & Gun by April 1880.


Novo Mundo



Brooklyn Bridge


Park Row in 19th Century



O Novo Mundo at Park Row - 1874



Copyright © Geographic Guide - Old Buildings of NYC. 19 Century.


Old Park Row


The New York Times building NY


Park Row NYC