First Times Skyscraper Under Construction - 1888


Construction of the New York Times Building (about late April or early May 1888) incorporating portions of the original 5-story structure. Potter Building is to the right. Drawing published in the Scientific American, August 25, 1888. Original title: The New "Times" Building, New York − Erection of the New Structure Prior to Removal of the Old One.

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Times Building construction


Old City of New York



The original Times Building, facing Printing House Square, was the third home of the New York Times, completed in 1858.

By April 1888, a much larger structure began to be constructed, around the core of the original five-story building, so that the printing presses could be kept operating. The new 13-story building, the Times first skyscraper, was designed by George B. Post in Romanesque revival style and completed in April 1889.

According to the newspaper (May 20, 1888), the Times and its staff continued to occupy their old quarters during the construction of the new building. «These have been compressed to a slight extent in order that the workmen, who are engaged in taking down the old building that it may be replaced by a structure over twice its size, may have elbow room.

The mode of accomplishing such a task deserves explanation, just as any new and useful invention does. ... To replace a seven-storied building [considering basement and sub-basement] with another of more than double the height without being disturbing a tenant who occupies several floors of the old building is a feat which has never been performed in America, ...

George B. Post, architect, and D.H. King, Jr., contractor and builder, both of New York, said it was possible to accomplish such a result and offered to undertake the work. ...

In the old building the publication office of The Times was on the ground floor, the editorial and city departments were on the fourth floor, and the composing room occupied the fifth story. The presses and machinery were in the basement, of which there are two. These departments occupy the same quarters, reduced in size, to-day. To permit of this while the old walls were coming down and before their successors had been built it was necessary to replace them with something of a temporary character which possessed great strength. This work was placed by Mr. King in the hands of his superintendent, Michael J. Byrne. It is almost finished, and when it has been completed the building as it now stands will be able, in the builder's opinion, to withstand a windstorm that could compare favorably in ferocity and endurance with the blizzard of the century.

Work upon the project was begun on January 23 [the building being then fully occupied and not to be vacated by any of the tenants till May 1]. For more than three months the work progressed in an unobtrusive manner below sidewalks. ... On May 1 a gang of workmen appeared on the surface, and ... began building a stout or 14 feet above the sidewalk, ... [the old walls were entirely removed by the 19th of May]

The Romanesque revival style skyscraper was completed in April 1889.»


The same construction about mid-May from the New York Times (May 20, 1888).


Times Skyscraper


Park Row

In the late 19th century, The Times was overshadowed again by the neighboring skyscrapers.


Design Building


The New York Times building NY



Skyscraper construction




Potter Building

The Times was overshadowed by the neighboring Potter Building.


Historic Buildings


Copyright © Geographic Guide - Old engravings of New York City.



First Times Skyscraper Under Construction - 1888