Times Square - 1905


The old Times Square, New York City, north from the intersection of Broadway and 7th Avenue. Photo dated June, 1905. Photographer George L. Balgue. Source: Photographic views of New York City, from the collections of the New York Public Library.

Photograph buildings, streetcars, stores and shops. The old 10-story Studebaker Building (1600 Broadway) is in the center, behind a Budweiser sign. The building was erected in 1902 and demolished in 2004.

The old Long Acre Square was renamed Times Square in 1904, the Times Building was erected and the first Subway line was inaugurated.

More: Times Square looking north


Old New York City





Times Square


7th Avenue


West 46 Street


Old Times Square


Copyright © Geographic Guide - Old New York City, Early 20th Century.


Billboards Times Square




Times Square - 1905


Old City New York